Run this command RESTORE DATABASE <db-name> WITH RECOVERY Technorati Tags: sql-server,sql,tsql
OData ListData.svc issues on Sharepoint 2010
After deciding that I wanted to query the much reveled OData services offered by Sharepoint 2010 I ran into multiple issues (now which I’ve resolved). This is the service endpoint http://<hostname>/_vti_bin/ListData.svc 1)…
Twitter widget changes
Below is the source code for my twitter widget as you see on the top of the page. This makes a simple JSONP call to Twitter with JQuery. The change I made…
Fiddler debugging a non-browser XMLHTTP application
Fiddler is an excellent application for observing and debugging internet traffic. However I wanted to be able to monitor some non-browser traffic. In this particular case a piece of VB code. Here’s…
Stopping a stuck in “Starting” Sharepoint service
A sharepoint service as defined by Sharepoint 2010 is not your typical “run-of-mill” service. You can’t simply go to the Windows Service snap-in (commonly referred by sysops as services.msc), and hit Stop…
Datasheet View not working in Sharepoint 2010
Ran into an issue today with Sharepoint 2010 and Datasheet View. Microsoft has provided two workarounds. I did method 2, which is much more simplistic.
COM+ subsystem log duplicate suppressing disabling
COM+ will by default disable multiple duplication of log entries. This it the error message you will receive in the Window Application Event Log Do the above to enable logs. Technorati…
Making a user a Site Collection Administrator in MOSS 2007 via the SQL database
I had inadventenly locked myself out of Sharepoint by removing myself as site administrator. But, because I have access to the SQL database I was able to restore my permissions. First run…
Intellisense Problem – Microsoft’s Quick Response
I had sent out a tweet on Friday to list #VS2010 about how my intellisense stopped working all of sudden in VS2010. Scott Guthrie @scottgu replied within 27 minutes and asked me…
Shrinking a div
display:inline-block; Technorati Tags: css,web-development