My recommended reading list:
Inspirational Movies / TV shows
There are a bunch of movies/tv series that I’ve found to be very inspirational, not only as an engineer, an entrepreneur, but also as a human. They are listed in no particular…
Remove passphrase from PEM file
openssl rsa -in privateKey.pem -out newPrivateKey.pem
Parallels Multihoming a CentOS Server
I wanted to be able to have two NICs on a virtual machine using CentOS. I already had one so I just needed to add a 2nd one. It was suggested to…
Forced Failures
There is a certain value to failure testing. By forcing systems to go down in a systematic way, I have been able to understand limitations in the system, as well as places…
Downloading Embedded PDF in Chrome
My girlfriend ran into an issue yesterday with her online school. She currently has to download textbooks and they have some kind of custom authentication utilizing Adobe Acrobat Forms. Google Chrome sometime…
Getting the kernel timing
I found this particularly useful for getting the timing of the kernel in CentOS. Important for FreeSWITCH RTP.
Finding and Deleting a Table Lock
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(P.object_id) AS TableName, Resource_type, request_session_id FROM sys.dm_tran_locks L join sys.partitions P ON L.resource_associated_entity_id = p.hobt_id WHERE OBJECT_NAME(P.object_id) = ” Then do KILL [REQUEST-SESSION-ID]
Raspberry PI with Serial Cable notes
ls /dev/tty.* then screen -L /dev/tty.PL2303-00001014 115200
jwPlayer default behavior for playlist over
I ran into a little difficulty today with the default behavior of the playlist in jwPlayer and the position=”over” configuration. After some simple digging into the code under which is in…